Recruitment Services
At MCI, we understand that finding the right talent for your organization is crucial to achieve success. That's why we offer a range of recruitment services to cater to your unique needs.
Over 9,000 jobs
filled yearly.
Serving 1,100+ happy clients,
including 300+ MNCs and
Fortune 500 firms.
A network of recruitment
partners across 7 countries.
A database of 200,000+
active job seekers.
An impressive 4.5+/5 rating
for candidate satisfaction.
Managing a substantial
workforce of over 3,000.
At MCI, we understand that finding the right talent for your organization is crucial to achieve success. That's why we offer a range of recruitment services to cater to your unique needs.
Our team of experts is dedicated to providing high-quality outsourcing solutions tailored to meet your business needs.
Transform your HR function and take your organization to the next level with our customized solutions.
Let us guide you through the intricacies of work pass applications in Singapore. Our experienced team ensures a smooth and efficient process, whether you're seeking Employment Passes, S Passes, Dependant Passes, or other work-related passes.